Level Cover or Yearly Renewable or Both?

Level Cover or Yearly Renewable or Both?

Level Cover or Yearly Renewable or Both?

During your life, your commitments and responsibilities will change. Therefore, it is important to ensure your Life, Trauma or Disability cover is flexible enough to accommodate these changes, yet provides some certainty.

With a Level Term policy, premiums will be more expensive to begin with, in time though you will enjoy an affordable premium that allows you to continue to afford your cover for when you need it most.

Most people’s needs increase through their 30s and 40s, with family and other commitments and then start to decrease as debts are paid off and family responsibilities lessen. This is important to consider when taking out any insurance policy.

Having a portion of Level Term cover can help keep the cost affordable for your long-term needs, such as providing for funeral cover or to provide a bequest. A combination of Level Term and Yearly Renewable Term can help provide flexibility and certainty.

With the right structure you can enjoy the best of both worlds. – Affordable premiums now and later on in life.

We are on hand to review your policies and can compare term premiums for all durations.
