Income Protection

Income Protection

Most Kiwis have insurance in place to cover their car and home – but what about your most important asset? You! As your family’s breadwinner, have you thought about what might happen if you fall sick or become injured and lose your ability to earn? What impact will this have on your ability to pay your mortgage or rent, keep everyone fed, and meet your other financial obligations?
This is why income protection is so important. If you can’t work temporarily or permanently because you fall ill or become disabled, income protection insurance will be there to help you by replacing a significant percentage of your income.

The benefits:

  • Reduce your stress. You don’t have to worry about money when you are adjusting to living with your illness or disability.
  • Peace of mind knowing that your family are being looked after, your financial obligations are being met and you can pay your mortgage or rent, utility bills and groceries.
  • More freedom to choose the treatment and the recovery plan that suits you. You don’t have to rush back to work if you are not ready.
  • Adjustable wait and payment periods to suit your needs and budget.

Did you know?

You may be able to reduce your ACC levies by taking out income protection insurance.

To see if you could be doing things better, flick us an email: or call Ashley on 021 074 0061